Wednesday, July 4, 2007

What Can Be Done With an Old Bus

LIAZ Russian bus 1

This is an example of an old Soviet-Russian bus LIAZ that still can be often meet in Russian cities on public transportation routes, like on the pic above.

LIAZ Russian bus 2

LIAZ Russian bus 3

It usually has maybe already old-fashioned “back from sixties” interior, but still it’s OK for short trips.

But when the city bus companies cancel it on route it goes to the private hands of crafty Russian people, look what they can do with an old city bus for their everyday needs:

LIAZ Russian bus 4

They can make a big pick-up style car, still having the face of a bus.

LIAZ Russian bus 5

Put some wood in it….

LIAZ Russian bus 6

…and carry it away!

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